Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Larry Kramer.... Need a BLOGGER.... I Just Asked BGR to Help Me Look.... Have a Great Day.... Got a Great "Scoop" on Mitch Daniels Too...Do People Still Use the Word Scoop?

-----Original Message-----
From: sharynbovat <sharynbovat@aol.com>
To: Ed_Rogers
Subject: Nissan Whistleblower Told Duke Energy Paid Whistleblower LOTS of money to Be Silent (Connected to NISSAN Fraud)....Then Duke Raised the Rates AFTER the Secret Payoff Can Someone Represent the Taxpayers.....Also Sharyn is Moving to DC to Look for Job with Healthcare.

BGR Please HELP!!!
Fun Fact: I got it "confirmed" Why Mitch Daniel's would never run for president....WOW!!!  
This DUKE stuff is BIG
I'm moving to Washington DC next month... If you know of a firm looking for a researcher let me know... I'm tired of being a whistleblower.
You can use Henry Barbour as a reference, I've worked for him in the past. Also Mark Silverman of Gannett (call me for his new cell....he retired)
Have a Great Day!!! 
Please Help North Carolina Thanks :):)
Duke Raised Rates after they Paid off a whistleblower: http://youtu.be/Pjrrurr-qv0

NISSAN fraud is intangled with Duke Energy. I blogged about this BEFORE Scandal broke.... see below. A person met with me about the DUKE whistleblower & gave me basic info. The Duke whistleblower went silent after a deal was made he did it DIRECTLY with Rogers I'm trying to figure out HOW to make him talk.... SEC?
A whistleblower at DUKE Energy spoke up and was paid to be SILENT ...

Watch this video it connects NISSAN Fraud to DUKE Energy Scandal that is "emerging"....


I blogged about this BEFORE the Boardroom "drama"

Saturday, June 30, 2012 (before scandal broke)

Duke Energy Whistleblower.....Was Silenced.. That person spoke out about "incoming" DOE Scandals Note to: Tim Geithner and Mark Stout

Evidently the whistleblower at Duke Energy was silenced with "cash" quickly and I only got limited information. Maybe the SEC could make that part of the investigation?

Get This! It's connected to Goldman Sachs. I think it's "creepy"....

FYI- The NISSAN HR VP Mark Stout offered me the NISSAN Whistleblower a check to be silent in 2009.... had a I taken the check I would not have been jailed 3 times, my child would not have suffered, I would not have faced the bullying and retaliation that I did.

Because of "what" happened to me the DUKE whistleblower knows they did the right thing. It's sad that my harassment is telling whistelblowers to stop blowing the whistle. Maybe "that" was part of the goal?

ALL I want is for NISSAN to stop the fraud. America can't afford Obama's badly orchesrated Energy program. The Treasury banks was used for SO MANY loans and for Time Geithner to use the Treausry bank to fund a foreign company using outdated technology to build the NISSAN Leaf and for NISSAN to "continue" doing business with Iran. It's INSANE what those senior Obama officials let happen.

Sharyn Bovat

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